These introductory lessons are stories to be heard, not discussed, as I share a page from my experiences.
I am not a certified teacher of information. I am here as the Activityiest Healer to bring about spiritual guidance, practice meditations that "Ground" and set an intent, and bring about my fun creative energy as we hang out and do something beneficial for the place while getting to know who we are now. Rather than textbook knowledge being learned in their regular day-to-day class time.
What makes my services completely unique and healing is that it is lead by "Spirit." You will love the way my sessions move about the energies of your household who take in the lessons I am sharing. In plain English, I am offering the Behavioral Health System a program that gains their clients self-sovereignty towards a hopeful future goal gained during interactions with me and my spirit-led insights. I am offering you a chance to put the responsibility of your clients own self-sovereignty-sobriety back in their hands before they leave your care.
I want to share the understanding I have gained in creating my own self-sovereignty which has me to from the toxic people, places, and patterns I been accustomed to for years. Although I have not yet achieved sobriety, which I assure you will come in time, I hold an idea that is golden for this industry The sharing of idea does not involve any drug use, but it has built within me a that led me to make better choices for myself. Now, I avoid all the toxicity and am now flowing within a spiritual path with a strong aversion to ever returning to it.
I am a prime example of being guided by "Spirit." As we collaborate on the PCP project activity they will feel at ease to be themselves. Over the days, they will see my personality align with the spiritually guided lessons I share. The more they see that this simply "My truth," shared by "My Blue Notebook," predict that they will open up enough to breathe in my shared healing experience. This will then beam a 'ray of hope' into their heads and hearts. As they continually see me following my dream no matter what has been thought about me, and witness how far a spiritually guided person who has gone through similar struggles can go, I will continue progress in my life, becoming the most effective in allowing them to hope again.
I really hope to get them to at least wonder if they might have a "Spirit-Team (which the answer is YES. For we all do.)," who is there to guide them, as well. If your clients get to a path of thinking frequency that has them seeing their own Spiritual Guidance signs from their "Spirit-Team," then my services has worked! I will have shifted the responsibility for their life in their hands rather than yours.
As The Activityiest Healer, that is what I offer Sober-Living Home Managers or facility staff and teachers. Self- Sovereignty- Sobriety.
I honestly can't guarantee that I can deliver this connection, but I feel it is important to try.
Since I may not be hired by you and your facilities, because of unseen safety protocols I am displaying my accumulation of divine spirit gained knowledge on MY PATREON PLATFORM for a membership monthly fee so I can still achieve the success of financial independence that I am worthy of gaining.
I had hoped to had been able to gain new friends as I gained strength from them while sharing my gaining of strength with them, since I am in a whole new environment after leaving all else behind. But oh well, maybe I will still gain new friends within my Patreon Members who show my journey support over there.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how I can support your recovery journey, I’d love to hear from you. Whether you're curious about my services or ready to take the next step, feel free to reach out. Get in touch today, and let's start your path to healing together.
GLENDALE, AZ, 87503Give us a call
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